Giving Thanks

Pete was a high potential young leader destined for greatness in his company.  His wife Sally was a huge supporter and was in her own right a very successful young attorney.  They had two children, Pete, Jr. and Danny and both parents were dedicated to the task of being the very best parents possible.

Pete’s recent promotion had provided the family an opportunity to move to a new city and Sally was able to get that first real taste of being able to finish a home with her special touch.  The new neighborhood was great for the kids and there was even a neighborhood school which allowed the boys to walk with mom or dad to and from school each day.

Pete and Sally met some new friends in the community and along with good friends at their individual offices, life was falling in place.  Pete even decided to give coaching a try and became an assistant coach on both boys basketball teams while Sally took on the task of become an energetic team mom.  With solid work-life balance in place, Pete and Sally were laying the family foundation they always wanted for their family.

One day while on a business trip, the unthinkable happened.  Pete was involved in a tragic accident.  A misguided driver rushed through a traffic light and struck Pete’s car.  The impact pinned Pete inside the vehicle prompting the fire rescue to utilize the “jaws of life” to free him.  As Sally received the call regarding Pete’s demise and began rushing to garner help with the kids and engage travel to be with her husband, Pete lay fighting for his life.  His legs were crushed, his pelvis was fractured and he had head trauma which produced a coma.  Doctors feared for his survival.

When Sally arrived at the hospital, she was greeted by the attending physician who informed her of Pete’s issues.  Saddened but confident in her faith and in Pete’s strength, she gathered her composure and entered Pete’s intensive care area.  He was bruised severely, looked horrible and was attached to a great amount of equipment but it was evident that the hospital staff was doing a great job in taking care of him.  Sally held Pete’s hand and talked with her husband as he lay in a comatose state. She provided him with positive and loving input hour after hour.  Sally was mentally determined to will that Pete would pull through and their life would go on.

One week passed and then another and there was little change in Pete’s status.  His bruises had begun to heal but still his status was in question.  Doctors were hopeful based on his vitals but yet, there was not empathic positive confirmation that could be delivered to a broken hearted young wife.

As Sally continued her efforts of talking to Pete informing him of the boys and her love for him as well as family and friends, she found herself suddenly pausing to utter a prayer for her husband.  Not a prayer of personal desire though under the circumstances, such a prayer would have been understandable.  It was a prayer of Thanksgiving.  Thankful for their life together and the impact their marriage had brought about. As Sally uttered her prayer, she heard a low sigh that seemed to come from Pete. She paused her effort and raised her head to look at him.  Suddenly there was movement in his arm and then a slight turn of his head.  Sally ran quickly to alert the nurse who in turn called the doctor to come to Pete’s bedside.

As time passed, there was more activity from Pete. Bells and chimes rang out reflected by the equipment attached to Pete.  After almost an hour, his eyes began to open.  As the hospital staff began to deal with his sudden emergence, Sally could not contain the tears any longer.  What seemed to many hopeless had at last resulted in a hopeful resurgence.

It took another week but Pete regained his total conscious and quite remarkably was able to remember the entire incident with vivid detail.  With ultimate recovery now only months away, that simple prayer of Thanksgiving had indeed been well placed.

The story of Pete and Sally unfolds in many avenues of life each day.  Yes, perhaps not in as critical a mode as referenced here, but stories of blessings, good tidings and joy can be seen in virtually all corners of our world.  There is much to be thankful for yet too often, thanks is not readily conveyed.

This Thanksgiving season, what are you most thankful for? What blessings do you find yourself possessing? What person, entity or event in your life deserves special recognition? Thanksgiving is more than a simple holiday.  Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and to truly be appreciative for all you have.  It may not be riches. It may not be health.  But if you are alive to reflect, it can be for the simple gift of life itself.

Make this Thanksgiving a storybook event for you and those who are walking through life with you.  Pause to reflect and to refine your place in life and be thankful for who you are and what you are able to contribute to others who need the best of what you have to give. Who knows, your simple words and actions could make a life-saving difference.


Think BIG! Coaching and Training, Inc.

Herman Dixon

Author, Speaker, Executive Advisor

P. (304) 839-5101

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